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Krah presents: Mobile hole cutter

We proudly present a new article in our Onlineshop: A mobile hole cutter
When installing sewer systems, holes must often be milled in the pipes in order to be able to insert inlets and outlets. For larger holes, we offer the Manhole Fabrication Center (MF 200), which can mill holes from 90 to 2500mm. The Krah Group has now additionally developed a mobile hole milling machine that can mill hole diameters from 150 to 500mm continuously. This hole cutter can be used for solid wall pipes as well as for profiled pipes. For solid wall pipes, a minimum wall thickness of 10mm is required. The hole miller can be used on pipes with a diameter of DN/ID600mm to DN/ID3000mm.
It is suitable for both fabrication and construction site use, as it is mobile and easy to handle due to its light weight. Another advantage is that it eliminates the need to mark out the diameter, so mistakes can no longer happen, as this is a very precise and demanding job. The result is an exact, circular cut-out that no longer requires any finishing work.
More details about the hole milling machine you can find here.
We have posted a great video on YouTube about how to use the cutter and about the advantages of it. We regularly post videos on Youtube about our products, projects and more. Take a look at the videos and leave a like or subscribe to our channel. We would be very pleased. Enjoy watching!
Breaking news out of the Westerwald!
We proudly present our Online shop!
As a machine manufacturer in the Westerwald region, we have set up our online store. Herewith, we want to make the purchase process as simple as possible for our customers. Moreover, we want to enable environmentally friendly homeoffice workplaces for our employees.
Today, on the 1st of February 2021, we proudly present our online store.
Soon, our customers will be able to buy online all Krah accessories and spare parts for our machines. On our homepage at you can see the machines and the technology for this. The first products we will introduce in the online store are our welding machines for electric welding, the E-Box 23+, E-Box 33 and the matching accessories. In the next time more products will follow and we would appreciate feedback and suggestions on this topic.
Firstly, payment will be possible by invoice for our existing customers. Later, payment can also be made via paypal and credit card for everyone.